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Samsung Galaxy SIII Samsung Galaxy SIII Reviewed by blogger on 1:55 AM Rating: 5

Flying hovercraft

1:53 AM
Hovercraft in style. Powered by a 4-cylinder automotive engine, the UH-18SP is everything you'd ever want in a hovercraft. It was design...
Flying hovercraft Flying hovercraft Reviewed by blogger on 1:53 AM Rating: 5
Zboard - the skateboard for the lazy Zboard - the skateboard for the lazy Reviewed by blogger on 1:51 AM Rating: 5

LG Optimus L7

1:49 AM
LG officially announced the launch of sales of the smartphone LG Optimus L7 in Europe and Asia. The smartphone running Android 4.0 Ice Cream...
LG Optimus L7 LG Optimus L7 Reviewed by blogger on 1:49 AM Rating: 5
HomeOS for the smart home from Microsoft HomeOS for the smart home from Microsoft Reviewed by blogger on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

Binary Burst Clock

1:44 AM
Each spire uses three blue digits to display minutes. Once the binary count has reach five, the clock moves onto the next spire and continue...
Binary Burst Clock Binary Burst Clock Reviewed by blogger on 1:44 AM Rating: 5
145-inch plasma TV Super Hi-Vision Panasonic with a resolution of 8K 145-inch plasma TV Super Hi-Vision Panasonic with a resolution of 8K Reviewed by blogger on 1:40 AM Rating: 5
Flying Car Concept Volkswagen Flying Car Concept Volkswagen Reviewed by blogger on 1:38 AM Rating: 5
Table game machine Table game machine Reviewed by blogger on 4:18 AM Rating: 5

EnStream mobile payments app

4:17 AM
Guide EnStream is in talks with banks CIBC, TD, RBC, Scotiabank and BMO, about the introduction of technology payments for NFC-compatible ph...
EnStream mobile payments app EnStream mobile payments app Reviewed by blogger on 4:17 AM Rating: 5
Samsung announced a 4-core processor Exynos 4 Quad Samsung announced a 4-core processor Exynos 4 Quad Reviewed by blogger on 4:15 AM Rating: 5
Heater is integrated with Google Calendar Heater is integrated with Google Calendar Reviewed by blogger on 4:12 AM Rating: 5
Samsung Series 7 CHRONOS 17 - new 17-inch notebook based on Ivy Bridge Samsung Series 7 CHRONOS 17 - new 17-inch notebook based on Ivy Bridge Reviewed by blogger on 4:08 AM Rating: 5
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