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Android 2.0 Official Video Android 2.0 Official Video Reviewed by blogger on 2:42 AM Rating: 5

PETMAN Prototype

2:41 AM
Biped robot that balances dynamically using a human-like walking motion. It is a close relative to BigDog, sharing elements of the mechanica...
PETMAN Prototype PETMAN Prototype Reviewed by blogger on 2:41 AM Rating: 5
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Future Designer laptop - ROLLTOP Future Designer laptop - ROLLTOP Reviewed by blogger on 4:58 AM Rating: 5
HTC Touch HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 - Pictures and Video HTC Touch HD2 Windows Mobile 6.5 - Pictures and Video Reviewed by blogger on 12:15 AM Rating: 5
Kohjinsha dual-screen swivel netbook prototype hands-on @ CEATEC Kohjinsha dual-screen swivel netbook prototype hands-on @ CEATEC Reviewed by blogger on 12:13 AM Rating: 5
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