University of Arizona Wolfgang Fink are working on the concept of autonomous intelligence apparatus that can intelligently interact with each other. The system may consist of airships, planetary rovers, robots and floating, as in the photo. The last plan used to study the seas of liquid hydrocarbons on Saturn's largest, Titan.

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Wolfgang Fink's Robotic Lake Lander
Wolfgang Fink of the UA department of electrical and computer engineering has developed an autonomous robotic lake lander that could be used to explore this planet and others. Fink unveiled the lake lander, named Tucson Explorer II, or TEX II, in a paper titled "Robotic Lake Lander Test Bed for Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Exploration of Titan Lakes," which he presented March 8 at an aerospace conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Big Sky, Mont. TEX II is an autonomous exploration vehicle that potentially could be used to explore the lakes of liquid hydrocarbon known to exist on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.

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Wolfgang Fink's Robotic Lake Lander
Wolfgang Fink of the UA department of electrical and computer engineering has developed an autonomous robotic lake lander that could be used to explore this planet and others. Fink unveiled the lake lander, named Tucson Explorer II, or TEX II, in a paper titled "Robotic Lake Lander Test Bed for Autonomous Surface and Subsurface Exploration of Titan Lakes," which he presented March 8 at an aerospace conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Big Sky, Mont. TEX II is an autonomous exploration vehicle that potentially could be used to explore the lakes of liquid hydrocarbon known to exist on Saturn's largest moon, Titan.
Robot to study extraterrestrial oceans
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2:20 AM

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